Season Finale: Procedural Subdivision Curves

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Data Viz – ever tried creating a bunch of smoothly connecting lines manually? Me neither, that just seems too involved. Enter Houdini. But how do you create control vertices for those subdivision curves?

In this tutorial we’ll roll our own little algorithm for creating control vertices to be used in a subdivision curve. This allows us to procedurally connect individual points, creating a smooth node graph which can be used for Data Visualisation, Generative Design or maybe Fantasy UI…

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  1. Great tutorial! As always.

    Btw, you don’t have to capitalize the first letter in a chf(‘foo’) function. It will appears as ‘Foo’ in the parameter automatically :).

  2. Cool! Seems useful for a soft plexus effect. By the way, what dataviz book were you reading? I assume it was good since it inspired this vid!

  3. Any tips on how to animate this polyline from start to finish? Thank you

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